A 38-year-old Indian passenger, identified as K Dhanasekaran, reportedly died mid-flight while returning to Chennai from Muscat. The man from Ilayankudi, Sivaganga district, passed away in a case of suspected cardiac arrest.
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Dhanasekaran, who had been working in Muscat, was travelling home for vacation, reported Times of India. After the flight landed at Chennai International Airport on Sunday, it was found that Dhanasekaran remained seated even after all other passengers had disembarked from the aircraft. The cabin crew assumed he was asleep and attempted to wake him up. However, there was no response, so the crew checked him and found him unconscious.
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Subsequently, they alerted ground authorities to the situation. A medical team swiftly transported him to the airport’s emergency medical centre. Following a thorough assessment of his vital signs, medical professionals declared him dead. Airport police subsequently took charge of the case, recovering his body and initiating the necessary procedures for a post-mortem examination. The family has been informed, according to the authorities.